Monday, December 22, 2008

I have 42 house cats. In September 2005 we decided to get a kitten (Maggie).Before the week was over we adopted the sister (Misty) to the first November 2005 Maggie & Misty were no longer babies.So we called our local humane society and they told us about two kittens that needed a home.We adopted two more (Buffy & Fluffy).The humane society had told us about a deaf and blind cat that nobody wanted.We decided to adopt her also.Her name was Cloe. She lived 9 months free of cages.So we read a article about all the homeless pets in the state of Georgia and the people who are trying to save them.We asked for a pregnant cat and we would take care of them.The cat (Savanna) had 6 kittens before they arrived at my house.One kitten died 1 week later and four more died within week 4 & 5 leaving just 1 kitten (Sylvester)He is fine.I called the people and told them what had happened. They told me about Three cats that needed a home,I said bring them over. When they brought the cats over we got to talking about other cats and dogs down there in Georgia. They mentioned seven kittens needing a home so we decided to adopt them. well as time went by we took in cats from all over.We have spayed and neutered all except for the 4 kittens,and they will be spayed and neutered in January 2009.We have had a total of 57 cats,(7 baby kittens, 2 adult kittens & 1 cat have passed away)5 pee pee cats were adopted out leaving us with 42 kitties. and 2 websites Pet Lovers Palace & Pet Shoppers Palace